Monday, March 12, 2007

Getting There

So, I've finished my English draft correction. I finished my Wiesner Essay...
That means tomorrow I've got to get my draft of my educational philosophy together, and by Friday I have to have my second English paper typed. Also, on Thursday my KIIS application is due to study in Germany next semester.
Chrysalis is postponed this weekend, so that will give me more time to enjoy my Spring Break and stay focused on my workload.
I talked to my boss last Thursday night about quitting, and now it's official. My last day of work is Thursday (but I won't be working this week until then). Still, it's going to be good that I have a little money over the next few weeks.
By the way, I won $200. We had to read a book for my freshman orientation class, and there was an essay contest over the book. I won in my category. The $200 dollars is supposed to help me study abroad, and right now, I need all the little help I can get as far as that goes. I'll probably be working this summer at some point, but I might go to Mexico first for a few weeks. I'm still undecided on that.
What else? I'm reading a pretty good book right now about St. Francis. It's given me a lot of ideas for improving things in my spiritual life. Mostly, my goal is to simplify things in my life, and to start making use of what I have instead of desiring more. For that I'm going to try giving myself a weekly allowance of $20, so that I can't really buy anything big, but still have money for what I need. Also, I've thought about getting rid of some of the clothes I don't really wear much and donating them to something. Any good ideas?
My friend/Freshman Family Group Mom, Natalie, put together a little fundraiser for Invisible Children last week. She had a talent night, and she sold her poetry and will be sending the money to Invisible Children. There were also musicians, and I was planning on selling hotdogs for it, but I was held up at work and didn't make it on time, but I've started thinking about things like that.
I'm not going to lie, I'm looking forward to the end of the semester and Spring Break. But now that I'm "unemployed," I might start enjoying things more. Also, I really think that will cut back on my urges to spend money, but I know once summer rolls around, I'll have to work. One consideration I had was to work at the local Mexican restaurant. I know it wouldn't be great money, but I think it would be fun. I just know I don't want to work in retail. I think working at Payless was really hurting me, because I saw a lot of greed there. However, I also think that I realized how greedy I can be. I started thinking people look worst when they're shopping. I don't know how to explain it exactly, but there was something about them that changed. Not only that, but they could also be very rude to me, and all I was trying to do was my job. I hope I'm never like that, and I hope that that lesson sticks with me.
Anyway, I haven't rambled on here in a long time, so I thought I would. I need to go to Spanish now, though. And then German.
Then math.
.....I can't wait until I have math class out of my life forever.


Heather Michelle said...

Dios mio, tu eres mi Dios!
Con ansias te busco, pues tengo sed de ti; mi ser entero te desea, cual tierra arida, sedienta, sin agua..." Salmo 63:1

The rest of Psalm 63 is good too. Let Him be the quencher of your soul's thirst. In Him is contentment, joy, peace, love...

Please keep the trip to Germany in your prayers. Intercede on behalf of those planning to go with us. Our soul's are like a dry, worn-out, waterless land.

Heather Michelle said...

Buster, I asked God to give me a prayer for you and He pointed that Psalm out to me. (I didn't know you were praying that prayer...I guess it just goes to prove that He hears you!)

Aunt Polly said...

Lil Boo,
If you liked the story of St. Francis, your should try the diary of St. Maria Faustina. I will get you one and send it to you. She was an astounding person that followed Christ and made telling everyone about His Divine Mercy her goal. Maybe your friend that has a dry soul could use some of this refreshing water of Christ message to quench their souls.
Anyway, I am glad to know that things are "slowing" down for you. I think you would be great at a Mexican restaurant!! That is your true love after all is it not? Go for it!!! Later... Aunt Polly