Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Just Wondering

You know that feeling you get when you realize that you haven't done half of the things you wanted to do?
Or that sickening feeling that comes over you when you step back and look at what a mess you've made of your life?
Just wondering.


Aunt Polly said...

Hey Buster!! Sorry I missed you at grad party, I was miserably sick.
That feeling is maturity and some people don't get it for quite a long time into their lives. Lucky for you, you are young enough to fix any messes and try to reach all your goals(within reason)that you set for yourself. Relax. You don't have to be perfect. You just have to know that only Jesus was a perfect human, you will always be second to Him!!! I love You!!...Polly

Aunt Polly said...

Oh by the way... today is Sharon and Roy's anniversary so say a prayer for him and the kids.. it will be a hard day.... Polly

grøm said...


grøm said...

found your blog on this page:

i grew up with Dennis
